


We built a Kanban app that allows real-time collaboration, as well as as having advanced AI features to make work across teams seamless.

An animated demo of flipping flashcards

Working Together

If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.

- Henry Ford

This app was built with the mission of enabling frictionless work between a large team of development experts. Creating an environment where collaboration is easy, and AI could be utilised without breaking flow.

KanbanAI was made as part of a group for the final project of the La Fosse Academy boot camp you can watch the presentation here!

The full app is available on GitHub!


  • ReactJS
  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • Flask
  • TailWindCSS
  • PostgreSQL


The largest challenge I faced was making a working system for real-time collaboration. As it was incredibly easy for multiple users to have their local states out of sync with one another.

The solution I came up with was as simple as it was robust. What I did was construct an object on the client-side each time a change was made, which would then be synced with the database.

This would then allow other KanbanAI users to automatically have their state uploaded from the server, keeping every user in sync.